
Managed Vulnerability Scanning: Top 5 benefits

A cyber security attack can result in significant costs for a business, with the average cost being around £19,400. This cost can include expenses related to investigating the attack, repairing any damage caused, and implementing new security measures to prevent future attacks.

In addition to the financial impact, a cyber security attack can harm a business’s reputation, legal standing, operations, and finances. A breach of customer data can lead to a loss of customer trust and credibility, resulting in a decline in sales and revenue. Legal consequences can also arise from a cyber attack. Such as fines for failing to protect customer data or lawsuits from affected parties.

Furthermore, a cyber attack can disrupt a business’s operations, leading to downtime and lost productivity. This can have a ripple effect on the business’s finances. As it may result in missed deadlines, lost sales opportunities, and increased costs to recover from the attack.

Businesses need to take proactive measures to protect themselves from cyber security attacks. It is imperative for businesses to be prepared and vigilant in order to effectively minimise the financial impact of a cyber attack and safeguard their reputation, legal standing, operations, and finances.

What is managed vulnerabilty scanning?

Managed Vulnerability Scanning (MVS) is crucial for businesses looking to enhance their cyber security measures. By utilising MVS, organisations can proactively identify, prioritise, and address potential security vulnerabilities within their systems and networks. This continuous monitoring and assessment of security weaknesses allow businesses to stay ahead of potential threats and prevent cyber attacks before they occur.

One of MVS’s key advantages is its ability to provide real-time insights into an organisation’s security posture. By regularly scanning for vulnerabilities, businesses can quickly identify and prioritise which weaknesses pose the most significant risk to their systems. This allows them to allocate resources effectively and focus on remediation efforts that significantly improve their security posture.

Additionally, MVS helps businesses comply with industry regulations and standards by continuously monitoring and addressing security vulnerabilities. This not only helps organisations avoid costly fines and penalties but also demonstrates to customers and partners that they take cyber security seriously.

Top five benefits of managed vulnerability scanning

Automation: You can schedule vulnerability scanning tools to run regularly or trigger them to respond to specific events, providing a current and real-time view of your vulnerability landscape. Such automation also saves time and resources by eliminating the need to carry out manual testing, which can be costly and time-consuming. 

Speed: Vulnerability scanning tools can perform hundreds or even thousands of checks faster than manual testing. This helps organisations avoid potential threats and reduces the time needed to remediate any damage caused. 

Cost-effectiveness: By combining speed and automation, vulnerability scanning is more economical than manual testing. Scanners can identify a wide range of vulnerabilities quickly and accurately, providing significant cost savings compared to manual testing. 

Scalability: Modern cloud-based architectures enable vulnerability scanning services to scale up or down as required. This means that businesses of any size can benefit from vulnerability scanning, whether they have a small, medium, or large environment to scan. 

Compliance: Many vulnerability scanning solutions include bespoke checks to test compliance with common information security standards or a business’s baseline control set. This ensures that companies, particularly those handling data-sensitive information, comply with industry regulations and best practices. 

Why vulnerability scanning matters for your business 

Undetected weaknesses within your IT infrastructure open your business to critical risk and threats internally and externally. A cyber criminal needs only one such point of entry to gain access. 

Vulnerability scanning is an essential component of any comprehensive cyber security strategy. By leveraging automation, speed, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and compliance, you can identify potential weaknesses and address them proactively. Reducing the risk of a successful cyber attack before it inflicts long-term damage.  

Protect your business with a Managed Vulnerability Scanning service

Take the first step and discover how the team at Brightsolid can help identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, improve your overall security posture, and reduce your risk of data breaches.

Further Reading: